
Core Values

What are some of our CORE values?

Our core values are based on basic principles and morals of humanity blended with ethical and rational behaviour towards approaching our business. Firstly, we like to treat everyone around us the way we would like to be treated. Whether it’s a driver, customer, shipper, or dispatcher, we treat everyone with the utmost respect because there are many people involved in getting one shipment from point A to point B. Along with that we have our business values which reflect our philosophy of ‘transporting your needs.

HONESTY: Our relationships with our clients are built on a foundation of honest commitments that allow us to keep intentions of the client in our minds.

INTEGRITY:� “Once we say it, we do it.” Whether it’s a short haul or a cross country road-trip,� the promises we make are there to be fulfilled. We know that great relationships are built when� the little things are done without being reminded of. Our business model is based on displaying� our integrity to our customers and performing the work needed to ensure greater service is not� only provided customer BUT also down the supply chain to our customer’s dealers.


CONSISTENCY:� Our focus is always on continuously providing the BEST service possible to� our customers. As cliche as that sounds, ultimately our customers know the value they get from� Cargo Country Group on a day-to-day basis. We’re firm believers in ‘Actions Speak Louder Than� Words’ and are not afraid to prove that. Over the years, we’ve established several solid networks� due to our consistency in getting the job done right and treating the people right. After all,� trucking is a business full of people, places, products, and processes. We consistently strive to� achieve the highest ROI for our clients to ensure they get the best ‘Cargo Country’ experience.


4 P’s:� As mentioned before,� people, places, products, and processes� are what define this business� and it’s unique value to the rest of the world. We have believed and conducted our best efforts to� treat our people right to make sure they feel at home even when they’re away from home. Our job� is to deliver a set of specific products to a specific places within allotted time and resources.� Nothing makes our team members happier than seeing the trailer get to it’s final destination and� realizing the fact that somebody will benefit from the work that we’re doing. Trucking is a whole� another definition of ‘working away from the office.’ The places we travel to are literally the� office for the time period we’re there. Trucking allows individuals to get perspective and� opportunities to transform their hard-work into something multiple groups of people enjoy. This� takes just to our last part of the section, which is processes. Throughout our experience, we have� learned that nothing matters more than having the right processes in place for people to succeed� in order to get the customer’s product delivered in time. Our fundamental purpose is to serve the� people behind the wheel and those who require the necessities to carry on with their lives.


We at Cargo Country Group come from very humble beginnings starting with our President, Mr.� Randeep Singh Sandhu. Formerly an executive in the agriculture-pharmaceutical industry and a� national level hockey player in his home state of Punjab, India. He started as an OTR (over-the-road) driver while driving for 8 years before becoming an owner operator where he started to� develop his genuine passion for trucking and helping people with their lives by transporting� cargo essentials to required locations. In 2013, he founded Cargo County Group and started� operations with his loyal ‘2005 Volvo VNL 670’ in which he travelled all across Canada and� America.� Slowly and steadily but surely, we’re building up our fleet of tractors and trailers with one goal� in mind, to be the best asset-based carrier specializing in transporting perishable commodities� along with food & beverage consumer products.� Presently, we operate in Canada and U.S.A serving a wide range of customers across the� respective countries. Our transportation portfolio consists of several areas of projects serving� customers within industries such as; Mail (Canada Post), consumers goods, meat/poultry� products, frozen packaged foods, diverse set of fresh produce, auto parts, and more.

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